Cassie gave birth to 5 beautiful fur babies April 24 2015. This has been our most challenging litter ever,
unfortunately our sweet Cassie, did not produce milk, so all of us here at Domaine Summum had to bottle feed the babies
every 2 hours. So these are our milk babies.Thanks to our amazing friends Charlen,Dog,Alex Samantha, Alicen, & Kelsey.
who were kind enough to come down and help us.Thank you !!! We could not have done it without you guys !!! .
Mr handsome is the proud papa of these little furbabies.
Dusty Rhodes (purple) 2 weeks.
Dusty Rhodes (purple) 6 weeks.
Dusty is our party girl, the first one out to play and explore, a tad bossy with her brothers & sisters. A great party girl :-)
Velvet Sky (pink) 2 weeks.
Velvet Sky (pink) 6 weeks.
Sweet Velvet Sky, loves to hop and bounce around, a tad sassy but cute, loves to play and is working on her bark:-)
Diamond Dallas (red) 2 weeks.
Diamond Dallas (red) 6 weeks.
Little Miss Diamond is a gem, small but mighty, brave but sweet, she loves to just watch you,and be cuddled in your arms.
Pork Chop Cash (orange) 2 weeks.
Pork Chop Cash (orange) 6 weeks. Pork Chop is the 2nd smallest is the littler .. but don't let size matter, it does not stop Pork Chop from keeping up with the gang. He loves kisses, and exploring the outdoors
Cactus Jack (green) 2 weeks.
Cactus Jack (green) 6 weeks.
Mr Jack, Mr Smooth, Cactus, is an easy going boy ,who loves to play and just chill out.
Bo Bo Brazil (blue) 2 weeks.
Bo Bo Brazil (blue) 6 weeks.
Bo Bo is a sweet boy, loves to have his belly rubbed. A bit more shy then his brothers & sisters , and tends to always look a little grumpy when posing for the camera :-)
Thanks to Cassie's family for helping with the late night feedings:-)